Drawing class

I started taking a drawing class from James Daniel.  His oil portraits are incredible!  Anyway, I wanted to learn more about values because I have a hard time seeing them  in color.

James had me do several drawings.  The first drawing was just a copy of an old masters drawing.  I worked on it for quite a few weeks until it passed his inspection- not really my style because I like to work a little loose when I draw.  Anyway, I worked through three drawings with James.  I’m sharing the last one here just to give you an idea of what he was having me do – very traditional and very wonderful because he was so patient and so very specific in pointing out my mistakes.

pencil head2This one is really not refined up to James’ standards but I just simply ran out of time during the school year to go back and forth to class.  I hope to continue sometime.  Anyway, look him up if you like portraits.  You won’t be disappointed!

Some Friends

rickweb It’s been so long since I’ve really gotten to paint that I wanted to try some small paintings to work on some skills and concentration.  I did these three during the school year when time is short and I may not get to paint every day and then only maybe for a few minutes.  These three paintings are about 12 x 14.  The first one is my friend, Rick playing the guitar on our front porch.  Apparently, he does not own and would never wear a purple shirt but this is just how it ended up.

Malachi for blogThe second one, I painted for a student.  I was taking photos for school and I just liked how sweet he looked.  His Mama has the painting.

IMG_7849_edited-1The third painting is of Mr. Hogsed.  He was taking a rest on his tractor from some field work.  He was kind enough to pose for a few photographs.

My watercolors

For the past almost two decades, my children have needed me almost every waking moment. I am not complaining because mothering is just about my favorite thing next to being a wife, daughter and teacher. All of a sudden the kids are more than happy for me to be busy with other things. I am thrilled to have the chance to paint.
I have always fancied watercolors and was just building some confidence and growth when my first child was born. Painting has been on the back burner for quite some time. Other creative pursuits were squeezed in but I have always longed to get back to the painting, especially portraits.
My first goal is to really learn about tonal values and improve them. I think this may be one of the keys to realistic portraits. I would like to pay attention to the lights and darks and really be able to see them.
I bought a few books on tonal values and I’m reading them. Hopefully, some of the valuable information is being absorbed. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding all of the subtleties. Reflected light for example is a little hard to see.
I would like to share with you my progression and journey. Please feel free to give friendly advice! Most of all, I would just like to share with you the joy of being able to share with my friends and family.